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Gratitude During Challenges


Updated: Nov 30, 2023

an image of 3 things you can grateful even in the midst of chaos
Practicing gratitude

Can you believe it's already November? As Thanksgiving approaches, it's the perfect time to reflect on gratitude. We understand that it can be challenging to maintain a grateful mindset when life thro

ws us curveballs. However, even in the midst of difficult times, there are still reasons to be thankful. In this blog, we'll explore the power of gratitude and how it can transform our perspective. Let's learn how to embrace gratitude and make it a part of our lives, especially during tough seasons.

When we're going through a difficult season, finding the silver lining may seem impossible, but gratitude can act as a guiding light. By taking a few minutes each day to write down five things we're grateful for, we can shift our focus from what's going wrong to what's going right. This simple practice has the power to provide us with three significant benefits:

  1. Gain Perspective and Clarity: Actively seeking out moments of gratitude helps us see beyond our challenges, reminding us of the small blessings surrounding us.

  2. Experience Peace and Joy: Practicing gratitude brings a sense of peace and joy, even in the midst of tough times. It helps us find solace and appreciate the smaller, often overlooked moments. I remember missing Thanksgiving celebrations during my health journey, and it was incredibly tough. But when I wrote down things I was grateful for, I found moments of peace and even a glimmer of joy.

  3. Build Resilience and Strength: Gratitude bolsters our resilience, giving us the strength to persevere. It reminds us of our inner resources and helps us find gratitude even in the smallest victories.

Action Step: As we approach Thanksgiving, let's challenge ourselves to embrace gratitude and make it a part of our daily lives. Here's an action step you can take:

  1. Start a Gratitude Journal: Dedicate a few minutes each day to write down three things you're grateful for. It can be anything, big or small, that brings you joy or appreciation. To help you in this practice, you can receive a free electronic journal at This journal will guide you in recording your gratitude and provide additional prompts to deepen your experience.

By consistently practicing gratitude and using the free electronic journal from, we can cultivate a mindset of thankfulness, no matter the circumstances. Let's celebrate the moments of gratitude, big or small, and discover the profound impact it can have on our lives.

This Thanksgiving let's reflect on the power of gratitude and its transformative effect on our lives. Embracing gratitude in challenging moments allows us to gain perspective, experience peace, and build resilience. Join us in cultivating a mindset of thankfulness by starting a gratitude journal and obtaining a free electronic journal at Visit for more inspiration and tips on finding gratitude in everyday life. You can also connect with us on social media @shefixescrowns or reach out to us at Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with gratitude, joy, and love.

Images of my Ted Talk, Thank you for walking book, and headshot how to be reached how to practice gratitude
An expert in working with people to help build resilience


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